The Future of Angular 13

Michelle Sebek
2 min readMay 13, 2021

Angular did it again, on May 12, 2021, the newest major version of Angular arrived a stable Angular v12.0.00.

Angular version 12.0.0 released May 2021. The Angular v12 major release is getting closer to “Ivy Everywhere”. The newest version enables the transition of the Angular ecosystem to the Ivy compiler.

Angular v12 includes stylish improvements, nullish coalescing allowing developers to write cleaner code in TypeScript and Angular templates, Webpack 5 support and TypeScript v4.2, and a stick model enabled by default to help catch errors earlier in the development cycle.

So what’s next for Angular? What is the future of Angular?

Angular receives numerous feature requests both from Google and the Angular community, with constant review and evaluation build their roadmap to prioritize requests.

The future of Angular is bright, with new feature developments on the horizon:

Better Developer Ergonomics with Strict Typing

Implementing a stricter type of checking for reactive forms allows developers to catch more issues during development time.

Reduce Framework Overhead

Removing legacy View Engine for the smaller Angular conceptual overhead (lower maintenance cost, lower complexity of codebase, and a smaller package).

Improved Text Times and Debugging

Automatic test environment tear down improves test time and creates better isolation across tests. The goal is to change TestBed to automatically clean up and tear down the test environments after each test run.

Optional NgModulars

Optional NgModulars allow developers to develop standalone components and implement an alternative API to declare the component’s compilation scope.

Support Directives to Host Elements

Adding directives to host elements allows developers to augment their components with more behaviors without inheritance.

Angular Compiler as a Plugin (tsc)

When making this a reality, the developers substantially improve build performance and reduce maintenance costs.

Ergonomic Component Level Code-Splitting APIs

Web Applications are known for their slow initial load time. Applying a more granular code-splitting component level is one way to improve the initial load time.

What’s your favorite new feature you can’t wait for another release? Are there features you wish were listed and aren’t? Please share and let’s talk about the future of Angular, and if we ruled the world what we would do to make it even brighter!

